THE UPCOMING Transhuman Split
At the time of writing, we are heading into an era of great change. A split is forming in the direction of humanity in the way of transhumanism. For those unaware of this term, it denotes the evolution of humanity beyond the biology currently used to house consciousness. One direction is heading towards utilising technology, whilst a lesser known alternative is arising with the formation of the light body. To be clear, there are shared overlaps within both that complement the directions of each. This is not a secluded battle, but ventures that co-exist. However, a definite split is becoming prominent.
The underlying factor in both alternatives arise from the need to go beyond biology. Biology is outdated, complex, dense and destined to fail the soul that inhabits the bodily vehicle. As humanity descended from spirit to matter in the early root races, the period of Atlantis remains a marker for humanity possessing a consistent, dense, physical vehicle. The Atlantean race seeded the fifth root race, which we are currently playing out, marking a return to spirit. As a quick overview, humanity evolves in the order of seven root races. This follows a descending to ascending arc leaving spirit and falling into matter. By the middle root race, the evolution starts to ascend backwards towards spirit, as consciousness requires less and less physicality to evolve the race.
This is a natural part of a civilization’s evolution as biology begins to be shed, just as it was taken on in the descent. For a species to evolve, the surest way for new beginnings is to release what is not needed. We see this in technology also. Anything that obstructs the new lighter ways is surrendered. Here, we can start to loosen our definitions of what our ‘body’ truly is. The true body is not biology. Biology is a temporary phase of evolution to house consciousness within denser means of experiencing reality. We must not grasp on to a temporary vehicle in the delay of the next. To make the distinction between the split more obvious, I will call them “The Way of Technological Transhumanism” and “The Way of Spiritual Transhumanism”.
The crucial factor that separates the two, is the topic of linearity. Technological transhumanism aims to improve the linearity of human life by replacing biology with technology. The reality of space and time are kept as solid and the body is ‘upgraded’ by using the process of addition. This direction keeps spirit and soul out of the equation. It is simply the body that is focused upon. In simple terms, it looks to improve the human life within the paradigm of reality that is already known.
Spiritual transhumanism follows an evolution arising from spiritual development. At the time of writing, few on the planet know of the Light Body. The light body is the next step from physicality for a being to proceed into higher dimensions whilst still being embodied. This body does not carry the memory of biology or ancestry within it, as so is completely sovereign to the being. It is also known as “The Free Energy Body” by St. Germain.
An example Master who stepped into the light body whilst in physicality was Master Kuthumi. Whilst on Earth, Kuthumi walked the planet for 22 years after a period of integrating the Light Body.
To be clear, every being to some degree has integrated their Light Body. For those stepping into higher levels of ascension however, their Light Body starts to take over many of the processes offered by biology. For years, many do not realise the slow emergence of this ethereal vehicle. This is because it is a slow replacement. At first, there can be a strange reaction from biology, alerting to a foreign object within awareness, but this soon is replaced when the intelligence understands the efficiency and advantages of surrendering to the incoming Light Body.
The Light Body allows for travel within the non-physical realms. It houses the wisdom from all parallel lives and provides access to intelligence beyond the veil of forgetting whilst seemingly in a single human’s biology. The physical body purposefully limits consciousness into a concentrated focus within a dense reality, veiling the broader context of a soul’s cosmic experiences and senses.
It can be pointed out now that we are in a unique time period. In the earlier eras in history, those who wanted to ascend into mastery had to shed biology by completely leaving the body. This is because the collective consciousness of humanity was too dense for this evolution to have taken place. Now, the consciousness is at a greater level of frequency, a master can remain embodied whilst integrating the Light Body. Kuthumi is a recent example of this.
The dangers of an overemphasis on technological reliance begins to emerge here. When we step into unnatural technology, we start to remove our connection to the rhythmicity of the universe. The rhythm of nature is cyclical, harmonious and in a mathematical interplay with all phenomena. Simply look to nature to see the evidence of harmony in motion. To the ignorant eye, nature is a force of chaos. To those who know, it is a symphony of divine orchestration, embedded with beautiful mathematics.
To highlight certain issues with context, we must now mention The Grays. For those who do not know, The Grays are a species from a parallel universe to ours who began as human. They ended up destroying their world and being unable to reproduce. In order to perpetuate their civilization, they had to tunnel through to our universe using technology in order to make contact. On a soul level, many beings in our universe have made agreements with The Grays in order to assist in their survival in the form of providing DNA. They have then used this DNA to create a hybrid civilization. The key point here is, by stepping outside of spiritual prioritisation, The Grays are evidence for us of the other direction humans have gone in parallel universes. In particular, The Grays attempted to ascend through means of technology and intellect and thus unfortunately overlooked the role of nature, emotion & spirit in the ascension to higher planes of reality.