
What is being researched?

Increasing impulses to follow guidance has led me to locations, research papers and uncovered history. I am the last person to have any interest in historic records but when something is linked to the present and upcoming consciousness leap, it feels deeply important to follow. I am interested most in the link between the return of Christ Consciousness, the rise of the feminine energy, Britain as a significant location to this return, the suppression of Merlin & white magic, the suppression of Mary Magdelene, the suppression of Yeshua’s true teachings, the suppression of sacred union, Glastonbury’s history as the interdimensional portal of Avalon, King Arthur’s true role in the Christ Consciousness plan, the rise and fall of Freemasonry, the mystery schools run by St. Germain in the areas of alchemy and sacred union, ISIS & her mystery schools, Mary Magdalene’s visit to France, UK & ISIS’ schools, Yeshua’s visit to Britain, the energy centres of Earth encompassing the different nodal points and planetary chakras, the link between the electromagnetic energy centres and the consciousness grid currently being repaired, sacred geometry and the interference of external forces in their planting of artificial metatronic mathematics in the collective.

How is this linked to awakening?

Again, taking steps into the unknown often is accompanied by a context that is only just being revealed. From this viewpoint, I have a knowing there is a direct link between all of the above topics and the next step of evolution for humanity’s consciousness. This knowing feels to be in the bones and not from the brain.

I also feel urged to step into the role of bringing through teachings along the topic of sacred union. This is the most important topic from my viewpoint going into the Age of Aquarius. As each member of the collective starts to step into their own sacred union, many checkpoints start activating. I believe this is the true essence of the Holy Grail - the infamous “item” searched for by the many. This too is what I see in the symbols of ancient Egypt; the sexual energy schools of ISIS; the true alchemy within the pineal & pituitary gland; the activation of the lightbody and sovereignty of the galactic citizen.

Sources For You

To make things easier for access, I am building a library below of the most siginifcant resources I come across, laid out in order of topics and interest. I find links between each topic but for now they are laid out in their individual titles.

King Arthur / Christ Consciousness LINK

‘Rise of Arthur’ by Ascension Glossary -

Pineal gland

‘Pineal Gland’ article by Ascension Glossary -

‘Pineal Gland’ video by Drunvalo Melchizedek -

mary magdalene

In The Footsteps of Magdalene” video by Sacred Feminine Awakening -

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